How to Join
To be eligible as a cadet, one must meet the following 4 requirements:
Be a legal resident of Canada; Note: A legal resident of Canada is a Canadian citizen, a landed immigrant, or, the dependent of a person who is lawfully residing in Canada on a temporary basis for the purpose of education or employment.
Provide proof of provincial health insurance coverage or equivalent;
Be between the ages of 12-18
Not belong to another corps or squadron; and be acceptable to the Commanding Officer (CO) of the squadron.
There is no cost to join the program, however, parents and cadets are expected to participate in fundraising activities.
The following joining instructions can be referenced for more information and the Application for Membership can be printed and filled out and handed in on the cadets first parade night.
New: If you, or your potential cadet are interested in joining the squadron, please follow the link to begin the registration process.